Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Organising Photographs

  In this day and age we are all a little too snap happy, oh of course it’s not a bad thing but it does make organising and storing them a little trickier.

  With all this photographing and not enough wall space to put images of seven different angles of your daughter picking a flower or eleven different views of your son blowing out his birthday candles, a clever storage solution id in desperate need.

  There are a couple of ways to get your pictures organised, it depends what suits you best.

  You can go old fashioned like me, I like to get mine printed and put them in hard back books. Organising them by date and by year per book. They do look quite cool on a bookshelf and can be a real talking point at parties or get-togethers, also this means that they are there on hand went you want to get a bit nostalgic.

  You can get some USB sticks and load your photos on to them so they are saved/ backed up but would need to be plugged into a computer to be viewed.

  You can also load your photos onto some discs to file neatly on your bookshelves but again you would need to load your discs on a computer to view the photos.

  Another idea is a memory chip that could be loaded onto a digital photo frame that plays the images on a slide show. You would need to plug in the leccy but these can be a nice feature on a sideboard or desk.

 Whatever you decide to do with your photographs, make sure you save them somewhere other than on your phone or your camera because if you lose or damage it then you could potentially lose all your pictures.

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