Sunday, 15 February 2015

February 2015 Daily Tasks.

  Each day I am going to be posting a daily task for getting the home neat and tidy, clean and decluttered and of course -ORGANISED! 
  Each task will take between 5 and 15 minutes with the occasional one lasting up to an hour. But it's really up to you how long you want to take doing each task.


#32 Sunday February 1st 2015 Organise tupperware.
#33 Monday February 2nd 2015 Take out the recycling.
#34 Tuesday February 3rd 2015 Wipe down the kitchen tiles. (Tip: I like to use a toothbrush to get in the gaps.)
#35 Wednesday February 4th 2015 Wipe down the kitchen bin.
#36 Thursday February 5th 2015 Restock/top up handwash in the kitchen.
#37 Friday February 6th 2015 Clean the washing machine door.
#38 Saturday February 7th 2015 Sweep/Hoover the kitchen.
#39 Sunday February 8th 2015 Mop the kitchen.
#40 Monday February 9th 2015 Dust cobwebs in the entryway and kitchen.
#41 Tuesday February 10th 2015 Declutter the kitchen.
#42 Wednesday February 11th 2015 Clean inside kitchen window.
#43 Thursday February 12th 2015 Clean the front door. (INSIDE)
#44 Friday February 13th 2015 Clean kitchen and porch window sills.
#45 Saturday February 14th 2015 Shake door mat outside.
#46 Sunday February 15th 2015 Touch up paint scuff in kitchen and porch.
#47 Monday February 16th 2015 Clean handles in kitchen and porch.
#48 Tuesday February 17th 2015 Clean front door exterior.
#49 Wednesday February 18th 2015 Pair up loose shoes in the porch.
#50 Thursday February 19th 2015 Clean kitchen and porch windows. (EXTERIOR)
#51 Friday February 20th 2015 Put newspaper in shoes in the porch to prevent damp damage.
#52 Saturday February 21st 2015 Hoover porch mats.
#53 Sunday February 22nd 2015 Remove any rubbish from porch and kitchen.
#54 Monday February 23rd 2015 Clean storage jars in the kitchen.
#55 Tuesday February 24th 2015 Clean kitchen and porch skirting boards.
#56 Wednesday February 25th 2015 Dust kichen and porch walls.
#57 Thursday February 26th 2015 Clean on top of the fridge.
#58 Friday February 27th 2015 Clean cuttelry drawer.
#59 Saturday February 28th 2015 Reshuffle coat rack.

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